Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 13

The Broski: I'm pretty sure he's Italian, but that might be too diverse to imagine in this single race crowd. He sat in front of me today. His desktop is a picture of him and his 'bro's' at the bar with their tongues out, and he spends all class reading short stories on ""

I got into a heated debate with Prof Horn Tutor. It was like those times when a drunk guy at the bar wants to discuss politics, and somehow thinks that 'tyranny' and 'Communism' are the same thing and it's useless. This is a pretty annoying thing, but it's almost a hundred times more annoying when that drunk guy is replaced by a professor... in a position of authority. Later that class, he asked if we knew the difference between balance sheet and income statement. The definition he gave was that “one is a snapshot and one is the whole story.” Well that really clears it up.

The Squeaky Wheel asked me if I had ever had the chicken pox. Apparently she has shingles. Again.

The D Bag and I are becoming closer every day. Someone asked Alisha if him and I were an "item" and the Ashley's are hating me more and more as time goes on.

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