Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 4

Our shortest day in the week. Today for a "Live Client" presentation we have a special class in the campus lecture theater. It appeared to be built sometime in the 1800's. On the front door, there was a huge "No Smoking" sign.
The chairs felt like the beds in holding cells, and were pale orange and had all sorts of clever graffiti on them such as "Fuck you" and "Suck it."
A woman made a presentation about her experience with breast cancer, and the students spent the entire time text messaging.
The Brittany's were talking about Alicia and I and we were dying to know what they were saying. I might have to handle them the way I handled girls when I was in high school...
The night before, I Facebook messaged a select few guys from the class asking if they wanted to be in a group with me, one of them being The Douche Bag. No one responded, but Douche Bag did approach me and mention that he might be willing to be in a group with me, and not to be shy because everyone in the program was nice. Maybe if I had a penis, the bitchy girls would be nicer.
Class is over.
The Professors have voted. We are going on strike...
Might not even see it as far as Day 5.

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