Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 1

I’m lost. I found the parking lot, and after 25 minutes of reading big red signs, I made it to my classroom with an XL coffee in hand. I was the first person in the room, soon followed by Alicia. We were now given the opportunity to view and judge every single person to come into the room. That partnered with quick introductions facilitated by our professor.
The Ashleys: All of you Recess fans must be saying “surely you are joking,” but alas, I am not. They are exactly what they sound like. A group of girls sharing the same first name. The ones in the most expensive clothing, and with the fanciest haircuts.
The Brittany’s: I think only one of them is actually names Brittany, but in my mind, they are a single entity. Bitchy. Enough said
The D bag: He’s tall and has a shaved head. He thinks he is slick. I don’t hate him, in fact he reminds me of my friends.
The Geek: She must be smart, right?
There were a whole bunch of others, but these are the first to stand out. Alicia and I trekked onto our second class, and became distressed after hearing that for every class, we would need to be in various sized groups for all of our assignments. We had to work with these people.

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