Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 5

Class starts at 8 am. I have yet to see daylight. I had just exact change to pay the parking entrance, but the machine ate one of my quarters and I could not get into the lot. The stream of angry 8 am class attendees waited in vain while I rummaged through my center console for another quarter. Good start.
Walking through the hallways, I noticed the wonderful decorations. Bristol board projects displayed all over the walls. They are very proud of the studious cohorts.
I made it in time to get a tea before class. While waiting in line, the girls surrounding me were discussing the best remedy for diaper rash. This doesn’t surprise me based on the three ads in the back of the college handbook; police force recruiting, recruiting for low level jobs at my old company, and teen pregnancy hotlines.
We aren’t allowed to eat in class. I hope we can chew gum and wear hats.
Ashley came by and complimented my laptop. It felt like the scene in mean girls when Lohan’s character is scouted by Regina George. Only I am welcoming Regina with open arms, and totally willing to ditch my Janice Ian, aka The Squeaky Wheel.
The D Bag and I were chatting in a group, and he seems to have befriended me. He even bragged to the rest of the group jokingly that “we go way back.”

One of my professors used "most boringest" in a sentence.

It's finally the weekend.

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