Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 18

I had to stay late on campus doing work tonight and I witnessed something pretty amazing. It appears as though, for security measures, they chain up all of the chairs at night with combination locks.

So... this is what they found the most efficient. In a campus the size of a small town, we are going to chain up all the chairs... with combo locks. Is there someone who knows all of these combinations off the top of their head?
In class, we were looking at various logos to test our recognition of them as a means of understanding branding. When looking at the logo for the Lung Cancer Society:

Someone chimed in "This one looks familiar. It reminds me of Hitler."

Day 17

Today there was almost a cat fight. The Geek very nicely inquired as to whether or not The Squeaky Wheel knew what she was having. Let's be clear:
The Geek: Do you know what you're having?
The Squeaky Wheel: What do you mean? I sent you the lunch menu
The Geek: No no, I mean a boy or a girl.

I know, I know. It's already amazing. But that's not the best part. The best part was her immediate defensive response.

The Geek: No no, I mean a boy or a girl.
The Squeaky Wheel: Whatever, fatty, no one wants to see your tramp stamp!!!

It was awesome.

Day 14

Someone whistled at me today. Like as if it was 1994 and I was a chick walking outside of a strip club, whistled at. At this point, I'll take the compliment.
We are slowly being overloaded with assignments. It's not that they are difficult or anything... just more time consuming... and somewhat degrading based on their simplicity.
The Squeaky wheel leaned across the entire class and asked me "what is the name of that birth control thing... you know, that you get inserted and so you don't have to take the pill?" Dumbfounded. Not because it was such a stupid question, but more because she is more concerned about regular sex than I am.
That wasn't the stupidest question asked... The Broski asked an attractive girl how many calories you would likely burn during sex.